Overcoming Legacy System Hurdles with Prismberry’s Strategic Solution

about Case study

TaxSpanner, one of the leading income tax e-filing companies in India, had to contend with a monolithic system. The company struggled with a seven-year-old system built on old versions of Python (version 2.7) and Django, as well as issues posed by antiquated UI elements and SEO concerns. The groundwork of updating the annual ITR filing structure and inconsistencies in the integration of Leadsquare reduced work performance. The company approached Prismberry, and we became the change agent, solving these issues systematically.

Let’s understand how Prismberry’s strategic interventions revived TaxSpanner operations, developing the systems for optimum performance while improving user experience and SEO rankings.

$20 Million

Annual Savings Delivered


Solutions Delivered


Satisfied Customers


Increase in Energy Efficiency


Beyond the ordinary conflicts of a seven-year-old system using outdated Python and Django versions, TaxSpanner confronted some serious obstacles in its different stages of development:

Enormous Codebase and Monolithic System

Due to the large codebase and monolithic system, TaxSpanner's system had limited agility and scalability.

Unfavorable UI/UX Update on Angular JS

The resistance to the update of UI / UX on Angular JS created problems, thus affecting the introduction of a more modern and responsive design as per current business trends.

Pending ITR Structure Updates

TaxSpanner had to deal complexities in dealing with the pending update of the ITR structure for 2-3 years.

Lead Acquisition Hurdles

Business growth and outreach were challenged as faulty integrations hindered generating new leads

Strategic SEO Decision During Transition

While shifting from Python 2.7 to Python 3.10 version, Prismberry decided not to use Angular pages for SEO development because they were single-page applications.

The challenge

Confidentіal Inc. faced notable challenges with their trading platform that obstructed the AI-based Hedge Fund operations, like running several scripts manually on a daily basis and the inability to provide dynamic instructions. Let’s understand the challenges the client faced with their existing system

Unscalable On-Premise Infrastructure

The platform was hosted on AWS and on-premise infrastructure. The on-premise systems lacked scalability and resilience. Besides, the system required manual intervention to start the operations daily.

Static Instructions

The absence of dynamіc іnstructіons necessіtated code modіfіcatіons for any changes, іntroducіng errors, and hіnderіng the fund’s adaptabіlіty to changіng market condіtіons

Time-Intensive Machine Learning Algorithms

The executіon of complex algorіthms proved resource-іntensіve, resulting in prolonged executіon tіmes and іncreased operatіonal costs for Confidentіal Inc.’s Hedge Fund.

Manual Trading Operations

The trading platform had complex data pipelines to pull stocker data from different reputable sources, like Yahoo Finance and Interactive Broker, and stored in a Big Query through ETL pipelines. Frequent manual scrÑ–pt executÑ–ons on a daily basis resulted in operatÑ–onal Ñ–neffÑ–cÑ–encÑ–es, 2-3 hours to set up a system for trading operations, and required human intervention, affecting the overall relÑ–abÑ–lÑ–ty of tradÑ–ng operatÑ–ons

Prismberry Solution

The TaxSpanner system was revitalized with the transformative solutions offered by Prismberry, and challenges were dealt with systematically. Here’s how Prismberry navigated complexities, from automating code upgrades to fostering lead acquisition, elevating UI/UX, and enhancing SEO ranking

01. Automated Code Upgrades

Automating the streamlining of partial code upgrades as well as improving system efficiencies and so on.

03. ITR Structure Updates

The evolutionary structures of ITR need to be meticulously revised from time to time in order to keep up with the changing tax regulations.

05. CMS Integration for SEO

The Wagtail CMS is to be integrated with the back end to make content management easy, enriching the search engine rankings

02. NextJS for Modern Frontend

Utilizing NextJs for its fast speed, coding standardization, and fast static file generation processes

04. Lead Generation via New Frontend

Work with Zaggle to build and optimize pages in frontend for more qualified contact generation

01. Automated Code Upgrades

Automating the streamlining of partial code upgrades as well as improving system efficiencies and so on.

02. NextJS for Modern Frontend

Utilizing NextJs for its fast speed, coding standardization, and fast static file generation processes

03. ITR Structure Updates

The evolutionary structures of ITR need to be meticulously revised from time to time in order to keep up with the changing tax regulations.

04. Lead Generation via New Frontend

Work with Zaggle to build and optimize pages in frontend for more qualified contact generation

05. CMS Integration for SEO

The Wagtail CMS is to be integrated with the back end to make content management easy, enriching the search engine rankings


The switch to the latest Python and Django versions greatly improved app security and performance speed of development, thus leading to a breakthrough.

Let’s understand the impact of our solution on the client’s operations

Efficient Page Loading

The move to static pages significantly lowered page load times, improving the overall user experience


load times

Streamlined Content Management

Administrators could seamlessly update frontend content due to the integration with a new CMS

Easy updation

of frontend content

Successful ITR Restructure

The ITR restructuring was successfully implemented for both previous and current years, which made the system ready to file income tax with ease.



Lead Acquisition Surge

Leadsquare experienced increased leads from various sources, and TaxSpanner’s business outreach was strengthened.


number of leads

Drastic SEO Transformation

SEO rankings changed significantly from zero clicks to hundreds of clicks a day, which meant increased visibility and user involvement.

Massive jump

in SEO

The technology that we use to support Paysafe

Python and Django
ReactJS and NextJS
GitLab and Jira

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