Revolutionising Investment Management with Prismberry

about Case study

Amongst the intricacies of the financial market, our client required a durable financial investment monitoring system. With a varied investment profile covering Mutual and Equity Funds, ETFs, FDs, Bonds, Debentures, PMS Schemes, Real Estate, and retirement funds for over 150,000 staff members, the organization required a transformative solution that was way beyond spreadsheets. Let’s understand how Prismberry experts tackled the investment management challenges innovatively

$20 Million

Annual Savings Delivered


Solutions Delivered


Satisfied Customers


Increase in Energy Efficiency


The company’s operations were based on complex spreadsheets. Relying on spreadsheets created other problems, like the company was unable to make quick and accurate analyses and mission-critical tasks. Here are the challenges faced by the organization

Manual and Time-Consuming Process

The organization's reliance on difficult spreadsheets and manual data raised the likelihood of mistakes, consumed time, and reduced its capacity to handle the considerable financial investment portfolio effectively

Private Intranet Hosting

Given the mission-critical nature of the duties, the company needed a service hosted on a private intranet with minimal exposure to the internet. This need included a layer of complexity in establishing a safe and secure system with real-time data updates

Absence of Data-Driven Decision-Making

The lack of an analytical and recommendation tool resulted in manual investment analysis that was based on individual prejudices. The company did not have a structured, data-driven technique for decision-making, and this minimized effectiveness.

Limited Contribution

It was not possible for multiple users to contribute in analysis or have real-time updated data.

The challenge

Confidentіal Inc. faced notable challenges with their trading platform that obstructed the AI-based Hedge Fund operations, like running several scripts manually on a daily basis and the inability to provide dynamic instructions. Let’s understand the challenges the client faced with their existing system

Unscalable On-Premise Infrastructure

The platform was hosted on AWS and on-premise infrastructure. The on-premise systems lacked scalability and resilience. Besides, the system required manual intervention to start the operations daily.

Static Instructions

The absence of dynamіc іnstructіons necessіtated code modіfіcatіons for any changes, іntroducіng errors, and hіnderіng the fund’s adaptabіlіty to changіng market condіtіons

Time-Intensive Machine Learning Algorithms

The executіon of complex algorіthms proved resource-іntensіve, resulting in prolonged executіon tіmes and іncreased operatіonal costs for Confidentіal Inc.’s Hedge Fund.

Manual Trading Operations

The trading platform had complex data pipelines to pull stocker data from different reputable sources, like Yahoo Finance and Interactive Broker, and stored in a Big Query through ETL pipelines. Frequent manual scrÑ–pt executÑ–ons on a daily basis resulted in operatÑ–onal Ñ–neffÑ–cÑ–encÑ–es, 2-3 hours to set up a system for trading operations, and required human intervention, affecting the overall relÑ–abÑ–lÑ–ty of tradÑ–ng operatÑ–ons

Prismberry Solution

Our team of experts rose to the challenges and developed a durable web application that had a variety of features

01. Asset Management

The system effectively took care of financial investments in Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Fixed Deposits, NPS, PMS, AIF, and much more

03. Multi-User Support

It presented a safe and multi-user system with fine-grained permissions to assist in collective decision-making while preserving data safety.

05. Cloud Agnosticism

This hosting-agnostic application effortlessly adjusted to internal or external cloud settings and offered adaptability and scalability.

02. Performance Monitoring

It executed tools to keep track of Actual Gain and Annualised Return (XIRR) for all assets and portfolios. It allowed real-time monitoring of investment performance.

04. Intranet Hosting

It ensured secure hosting on the private intranet and restricted exposure to the internet with improved data protection

06. Recommendation Tool

The introduction of a recommendation tool leveraging specifications such as XIRR and YTM helped with informed decision-making and boosted the negotiation procedure for selling financial instruments

01. Asset Management

The system effectively took care of financial investments in Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Fixed Deposits, NPS, PMS, AIF, and much more

02. Performance Monitoring

It executed tools to keep track of Actual Gain and Annualised Return (XIRR) for all assets and portfolios. It allowed real-time monitoring of investment performance.

03. Multi-User Support

It presented a safe and multi-user system with fine-grained permissions to assist in collective decision-making while preserving data safety.

04. Intranet Hosting

It ensured secure hosting on the private intranet and restricted exposure to the internet with improved data protection

05. Cloud Agnosticism

This hosting-agnostic application effortlessly adjusted to internal or external cloud settings and offered adaptability and scalability.

06. Recommendation Tool

The introduction of a recommendation tool leveraging specifications such as XIRR and YTM helped with informed decision-making and boosted the negotiation procedure for selling financial instruments


The application of our strategic solution led to substantial favorable outcomes for the company

Reduction in Manual Tasks and Errors

Automation and streamlining of procedures caused a 50% decrease in manual computations. The data is pulled from various sources, like AMFI, which boosts effectiveness and minimizes the risk of mistakes

50% decrease

in manual computations

Data Monitoring and Historical Analysis

The system made it possible for day-to-day tracking and saved historical data. It provided an important understanding of historical analysis and informed decision-making


tracking and saved historical data

Live Valuations and Corporate Action Updates

Real-time ticker and fund price updates enabled real-time valuations. Similarly, prompt company action updates improved the company’s agility in responding to market changes.


valuations enabled

Performance Insights and Industry Standards Comparison

The system provided comprehensive performance insights and permitted the company to compare its portfolio performance with industry criteria and benchmarks.


performance insights

Zero Hosting and Licensing Costs

The flawless hosting flexibility to internal or external cloud settings resulted in zero hosting and licensing costs and maximized resource allotment.


hosting and licensing costs

Informed Decision-Making

The introduction of the recommendation tool encouraged the company to make more informed decisions while selling any financial instrument and enhanced negotiation outcomes.


negotiation outcomes

User Access Management

User management and permissions allow users to view only the data pertaining to their roles and responsibilities


user access management

The technology that we use to support Paysafe

Angular JS
Django Rest Framework
Cloud Agnostic

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