Transforming Windows-Based Web App Installation : A Journey to Efficiency

about Case study

Automation is the key to driving efficiency and productivity. Most importantly, it saves time and resources. Besides, it significantly reduces the number of mistakes and losses associated with errors due to manual processing.

One of the companies approached Prismberry with an aim to automate a web application that installs and configures other applications on Windows using the IIS Web Server with all the dependencies and required applications like FileZilla, MySQL, etc. Let’s elaborate on the challenges and see how Prismberry developed a transformative automation solution that helped the company save time and resources.

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The installation of applications and libraries required a manual, lengthy process on different machines. The agonizing process took 4-5 hours and a developer to execute the process, resulting in many inefficiencies and possible mistakes. Besides taking several hours to install, the process required multiple iterations, which increased the complexity and consumed a lot of time.

The challenge

Confidentіal Inc. faced notable challenges with their trading platform that obstructed the AI-based Hedge Fund operations, like running several scripts manually on a daily basis and the inability to provide dynamic instructions. Let’s understand the challenges the client faced with their existing system

Unscalable On-Premise Infrastructure

The platform was hosted on AWS and on-premise infrastructure. The on-premise systems lacked scalability and resilience. Besides, the system required manual intervention to start the operations daily.

Static Instructions

The absence of dynamіc іnstructіons necessіtated code modіfіcatіons for any changes, іntroducіng errors, and hіnderіng the fund’s adaptabіlіty to changіng market condіtіons

Time-Intensive Machine Learning Algorithms

The executіon of complex algorіthms proved resource-іntensіve, resulting in prolonged executіon tіmes and іncreased operatіonal costs for Confidentіal Inc.’s Hedge Fund.

Manual Trading Operations

The trading platform had complex data pipelines to pull stocker data from different reputable sources, like Yahoo Finance and Interactive Broker, and stored in a Big Query through ETL pipelines. Frequent manual scrÑ–pt executÑ–ons on a daily basis resulted in operatÑ–onal Ñ–neffÑ–cÑ–encÑ–es, 2-3 hours to set up a system for trading operations, and required human intervention, affecting the overall relÑ–abÑ–lÑ–ty of tradÑ–ng operatÑ–ons

Prismberry Solution

Prismberry’s solution not only automated the installation but rather also acted as an all-encompassing, effective system satisfying and surpassing the expected requirements. Our team of experts developed a Windows Native installer that can install all the pre-requisite applications and put all the files in the desired location. Besides, our experts added additional functionality to make a robust application:

01. Database Configuration

The installer configured the SQL database and created a database along with the pre-requisite data into a dedicated table.

03. IIS Webserver Activation and Configuration

The installer can start the IIS web server and dynamically configure the website to the server so as to provide a smooth and very efficient setup.

02. FTP Client and Server Setup

The installer sets up the FTP client and server, and, in the process, it also creates FTP users that are vital for the website usage.

01. Database Configuration

The installer configured the SQL database and created a database along with the pre-requisite data into a dedicated table.

02. FTP Client and Server Setup

The installer sets up the FTP client and server, and, in the process, it also creates FTP users that are vital for the website usage.

03. IIS Webserver Activation and Configuration

The installer can start the IIS web server and dynamically configure the website to the server so as to provide a smooth and very efficient setup.


Prismberry surpassed the anticipated impact. Not only did it achieve the goal of saving time, but it also improved overall operational effectiveness in terms of deployment for Windows-based web applications, which resulted in a more agile and productive development environment. Here are the results that the company witnessed after implementing Prismberry’s solution

Enhanced Time Savings

The time to configure the website was drastically reduced from 4-5 hours to only half an hour, which translates into a whopping 90% reduction.


reduction in
configuration time

Improved Developer Efficiency

Time efficiency was translated directly into increased developer productivity, allowing them to spend more time on strategic and high-value tasks.


developer productivity

Streamlined Processes

Automation in the solution eliminated repetitive iterations, making the deployment process a lot more efficient and virtually error-free


repetitive iterations

Accelerated Deployment

The quick configuration turnaround improved the whole deployment process, accelerating the web application’s time to market.

Quick Configuration

improved the deployment process

The technology that we use to support Paysafe

IIS (Internet Information Services)
WIX Toolset

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